
Many people feel anxiety when they think of retirement. It is indeed a reward for hard work, but humans get used to following routines and being active for the most part of their existence. Therefore, thinking of retirement might trigger anxiety, depression, and stress, but we all know a grandfather or grandmother who finds purpose in retirement. Some become great artists, chefs, or retail owners. Something they might have wanted to pursue when they were young but were scared to do because they listen to third parties’ advice. They had the weight of supporting a family and could not afford to live on a hobby.

Retirement is an opportunity to become what you’ve always wanted, to follow your dreams, and find a new purpose. It may be scary, but the outcome is rewarding, blissful, and fulfilling.

To cope with anxiety and doubt, ask yourself what was your dream job when you were young, which you didn’t follow because of lack of support, fear of not being able to earn a living, and worry of what your peers would think of you. While you might feel a bit nostalgic at the beginning, you’ll be amused by how many opportunities were left behind because of fear.

Here’s a list of tips to have a good retirement.

  1. Save as much as you can, and keep yourself focused on your goals.
  2. Calculate your expenses. It has been proved that in order to keep your lifestyle after retirement, you’ll need at least 80% of your preretirement income.
  3. Invest in index funds.
  4. Ask your employer for a retirement plan. If you already have one, contribute to it. This will help you lower your taxes. Compound interest will surprise you in the long term
  5. Eat healthy and do excersice. This will not only make you feel better, but you will also reap rewards when you become older.

Retirement can also be a great opportunity to spend time with your family, travel, and do something creative. Volunteering is a great option to add meaning to your life, helping others is uplifting and fulfilling. You can also make a greater social network, new friends, or even a new family.

Don’t forget to be grateful for what you have accomplished, and keep your body and mind fit.